1. That I have been informed that the axes shooting activity within the AXESTRAL facilities (Fun & Business Developments SL) is a risky activity and may have unforeseeable consequences, and that I have understood and that I voluntarily commit myself to compliance with the following participation rules and security rules:
Drunk or drugged people are not allowed to participate in this activity; and consequently, I declare that I am neither drunk or drugged; consenting to any request from AXESTRAL (Fun & Business Developments SL) to the appropriate test at any time during the duration of the activity or stay at the facilities.
The axes shooting activity consists of the throwing of one or more axes against a wooden target specially enabled for this purpose. Axes shall not be thrown or used against any other thing or being, outside the firing zone or in any direction other than that of the bullseye.
The presence of more than one shooter is not allowed in the shooting area, or is it allowed to take the axes out of it.
The consumption of drinks and food is only allowed in this restaurant area, and only for products purchased at AXESTRAL.
It is not allowed to touch the dividing fences or the targets.
The axes will always be held by the handle and will withdraw from the target by swinging it, never pulling it off.
It is not allowed to pass the axes to another shooter, or receive it from another shooter; always remaining between shooters in a neutral zone (eg: nailed to the target, resting on the ground or the bar, deposited in the space provided).
Tricks and special shots are not allowed when someone is driving on the adjacent tracks.
Open footwear is not allowed.
2. That I have been informed and understand that axes shooting at AXESTRAL Afacilities is a moderate physical activity that is carried out using sharp axes against wooden targets that splinter; I declare in freedom that I am physically and psychologically suitable for carrying out these types of activities and that I will take the necessary precautions to avoid any injury.
3. That I exonerate AXESTRAL (Fun & Business Developments SL) and WATL (World Ax Throwing League World Ax Throwing League based at 654 Cedar Ave, Burlington Ontario L7T 2R5, Canada for possible damages that may occur due to non-compliance of these regulations on my part or those of third parties, accepting the risk of participating in it.
4. That I know and accept the reservation of the right of admission by AXESTRAL (Fun & Business Developments SL) as well as the right to exclude from the activity or to remove from the facilities those people who do not comply with the regulations or the conditions of participation, especially when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
5. That I have read, understood and voluntarily signed the previous points; that I have been verbally informed of them at this time by AXESTRAL staff (Fun & Business Developments SL) and that, in the case of having made the reservation online, I have had to accept them and I have expressly accepted them in order to make the reservation.
6. That I accept that my personal data be incorporated into the files of AXESTRAL (Fun & Business Developments SL) in accordance with current regulations, knowing or having been informed of my rights to modify, rectify and cancel them.
7. That I understand that by entering these facilities and / or participating in this activity I can be recorded or photographed, material that can be used by AXESTRAL (Fun & Business Developments SL) or by its third party holders –other participants in the activity-, both for security reasons and in order to promote the activity of axes shooting, and I accept its use. I have also been informed that I could make use of the photographs taken by AXESTRAL (Fun & Business Developments SL) through social networks for my own use.
8. I agree to receive electronic communications in relation to future events, leagues and organized promotions, individually or jointly from AXESTRAL (Fun & Business Developments SL)